About us
“Van Dyck Models and Figurines” is a Belgian wargame miniature design and production company founded by myself, Kris Van Dyck in 2012. We are located in the Northern region of Belgium called Flanders. In our beloved Flanders the native language is Dutch, ok when we speak it, it sounds a bit different then the Dutch and we use more antique words but most importantly we get along and understand each other.
I live in a small village between Antwerp and Brussels and ever since my childhood I really love miniatures. Over the course of many years, starting with converting figurines I slowly evolved into making my own miniatures. Again after many years of improving my techniques the idea of starting my own sculpting company and making a contribution to this wonderful hobby became irresistible. Organising a very basic production line and making my sculpts available for the wargaming community was the next step.
I used to love painting miniatures as well but now I rarely have time for it, instead my dear father Louis Van Dyck painted thousands of our miniatures. Almost all miniatures on the pictures you see on this website have been painted by him.
The rest of the crew is complemented by some dear friends of me who happily volunteer to accompany me on all our ventures.
So now, many years later I believe I’m entitled to say I succeeded to establish a productive miniature company right here in Belgium, hurray!!!
Please enjoy your visit of our brand new website!!!
Kris Van Dyck

“Magnus in Minutia”
If anyone not familiar with Latin wonders what our motto, “Magnus in Minutia” actually means, here is your answer, it basically means:
“being great at working meticulously”